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Gardening: How to Grow a Mango Tree - Planting Germinated Seeds, baby Mango Trees in their first pot

A few weeks ago Anika showed how to get mango seeds out of the hard husks and germinate the seeds by loosely wrapping then in a paper tissue, soaking them in water and then placing them into a plastic wallet for a about three weeks.

Now three weeks later and whilst Anika is away on Holiday, Sami and Adnaan will get to see how well the Anika's six mango seeds germinated and then to plant the new baby mango trees in pots.

First step is to see how many if any of the 6 seeds have actually germinated.

Looks like Sami has hit a home run, that looks like a great baby Mango tree!

It's like opening Christmas presents as Adnaan finds a good healthy baby mango tree as well

Great 3 of the 6 mango seeds have germinated and are ready to plant in pots.

First step is to mix compost with water retention crystals and plant food so as to give the 3 baby mango trees a good start

Next Sami and Adnaan take it in turns to plant each mango tree in the small pots

And there are the three baby mango trees on their first day in plant pots in Silverdale, Sheffield.

A couple of days later and the Mango trees have straightened up as lap up the sun.

And 5 days after planting Anika is back and delighted that half of her mango seeds have successfully germinated into baby mango trees

Stay tuned for nice juicy mangoes!

By N Walayat

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